Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sunday Squibs

 Gathering knowledge is like harvesting the fruits of the sea. Where to start? And with how fine a net.

The sinner consoles himself with the belief that even the saints were also sinners, excepting of course the Mother of God and his own mother. 

My wife puts her knitting in a Subway bag to organize her yarn bunch. Every time I see her now I think it’s time for lunch. 

The feeling that time speeds up as we age yields the collateral feeling there’s not enough time to get anything done. 

The one thing more addicting than checking a phone screen is scratching a lottery ticket. 

It’s not the building, it’s the people. Churches can be desecrated, torn down, turned into condos…even so venerable a shrine as Notre Dame is subject to acid, worm, and fire. 

Only a handful of lucky sods strike it rich in any gold rush. The best way to make a bundle is to sell supplies to the gold diggers. 

The fat man wears his backpack under his skin. When we get to the lifeboats I’ll be sorry I’m thin. 

The algorithm is yes/no all night and all day. 

Code writers lust after zero shades of grey.

1 comment:

Joe - Wednesday's Child said...

Time for you to go buy a lottery ticket.