Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday Squibs

 The US lived in a Potemkin Village of national unity until the Soviet wolf sickened and died. 

The lowest form of humor the world has known; 

The pun’s where laughter turns into groans.  

The stronger the boundaries you draw, the more they resemble the hermit’s cave. 

An artist doesn’t need a large audience to feel like a rock star. Just enough to fill the mosh pit will do. 

Much poetry is a making of mud pies. The grown up stuff makes love to the reader. 

The great-grandfathers at first liked the lengthening days, but by June it was getting ridiculous. It took much chanting, dancing, and self-mutilation to get the sun to turn back. 

Is the chef’s quest for perfection ever set on its ear,

When the fish he serves up gives his guest a cold sneer?

If the cost of a thing is calculated in the hours it takes to buy it, then for the retiree, everything is free. 

The person who follows the path of least resistance is considered weak. That’s what electricity does. Is electricity strong enough for you?

Mi agenda es su agenda

We vow to love, to honor, and to tolerate occasional displays of stupidity. 

Truth is a mirror, or better, a window, or best, just the nose on one’s face. 

The cop brings the louse in. The detective gets the confession, the prosecutor, the conviction, and the judge orders him fried. But what’s the use when God’s going to pardon him in the end. 

I envy the psalmist who praised God with singing and dancing and playing on the lyre. But the psalmist didn’t have to ride the subway to work. 

If democracy in America collapses, one of the inconveniences will be having to rename all the Washington Streets in the country with the name of the most prominent usurper. 

As each man has his Jesus, so each has his Judas. 

To get drunk is the alcoholic’s plan A. His plan B is AA .

The fans of Jane Austen want more of her stuff. 

Some will choke down the worst pablum and duff. 

God sent Jesus, his ace to make sense of the random game of life. We get to choose if aces are high or low. 

The more jobs he has to shirk, the deeper into his comfort zone the procrastinator sinks.

1 comment:

Joe - Wednesday's Child said...

Mosh pit is an excellent metaphor. I'm also appreciating a recurrent theme in your squibs: plan labels - A, B, XYZ.