Sunday, December 18, 2016

On the Eighth Day Before Christmas

  When you go to a town like Roseau, MN pop. 2627, you run in to lots of people you've met over the 40 years you've lived here. About a week after Thanksgiving these acquaintances start wishing you a Merry Christmas, however they usually phrase it, "If I don't see you, Merry Christmas."
  I wondered at exactly what point they would simply say "Merry Christmas." Well today, December 18th, an acquaintance stopped at our café table to exchange pleasantries. His family had already headed for the car. He held up his key and said, "They'll wait for me," and then he wished us a simple Merry Christmas. So there you go. Eight days before Christmas is close enough for people not to worry about whether they'll see you again. And for the most part, they wouldn't miss you if they didn't. Ever. Though they might come to your see their many acquaintances.

The present, my friend, the present.


Joe - Wednesday's Child said...

It's never too early to plan a funeral menu. Those bars Teresa made at the wreath party would be nice.

Chairman Joe said...

Salted with her tears I hope.

Jack Pine Savage said...

Merry Christmas, in case I don't see you before 25 Dec 2017.