Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday Squibs April 24-30

The people in Heaven, disturbed by the gulf between themselves and hell, built a bridge. When they arrived, they found everyone gone and the fire cold.

My past accomplishments hold me back like laurels that have fallen round my feet and have rooted to the ground. 

Freud said sex is the main thing. Fortunately it’s not the only thing. 

The bad thing about not being a narcissist is having to watch the antics of all the narcissists.

Death is not the worst thing. Enduring the deaths of others is the worst thing. 

 We will sometimes be cruel  to protect our reputation for goodness. 

Jesus said remove the log in your eye which can be tricky when I am the log.

We can stay the course and stagnate, or experiment and wreck stuff.

How can I relate to a billion?

Am I able to picture a neutron?

You cannot my boy, you flunked out of math

Sit down and enjoy your fig newton 

The alcoholic never forgets his first drink and never remembers his last. 

The lazy employee must work an extra thirty minutes for free to make up for the time wasted watching the clock. 

Fear of the alarm clock is a starter fear. 

                        To a comet

We all ooh and ah as you streak 'cross the sky

Though you’re naught but a snowball from hell

You live your life backwards like all us down here

Though the future your passage foretells 

I keep my family and my friends in two overlapping circles. My goal is for the two to merge into one, though some few will always lie out. 

Online I find a hotel with so many free perks, I assume the place is a dump. 

At rummage sales these days, everything I see is something I too would be wanting to get rid of. 

I want my religion to do well just as I want my team to do well, knowing that at times both will slump. 

Before starting to write your book consider that one future day your book will sit in an ancient library which on another day will be burned by barbarians. 

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