Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday Squibs

 If you got it, it came in a truck. That’s why it’ll cost you an additional buck 

I've go lots to do, so I like to keep my departure date open ended. But death, like a rogue travel agent, says, “You’re going today.”

A green thumb is caused by dirt under the nail.

The honeymoon’s over when one member starts speaking truth to romance. 

In the next ice age, the glaciers will crush our trash into the metamorphic rock: landfillite. 

Clichés are the logarithm of prose. 

Nationality most likely to use an iPhone: Syrian. 

If you spend more time looking for holes in the plot than trying to find out ‘whodunnit,’ then murder-mystery is not the genre for you. 

No matter how nice you are, there’s a troll out there with your name on it. 

I ride along merrily

Not doing right.

My sins of omission 

Hid out of sight.

Hang out by the gym and you’ll see the ripped and the buff. Sit in the DQ and you’ll see the results of not going to the gym. 

1 comment:

Joe - Wednesday's Child said...

You're getting better and better!