Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sunday Squibs May 1-7

 Womansplaining doesn’t exist because men aren’t looking for information about makeup, couture, and intimacy.

We spend money, a. To survive, then, b. To enjoy life. The miser merges these two into one. 

You meet an uncle you haven't seen in 10 years and think, wow, he has aged.

He's thinking the same about you.

A dead end with enough persistence can become a lead to someplace else. 

Spelunkers please ignore this advice.

Let us give thanks for our personal patch of myopia with its semi-satisfied desires. We’ll never know the blindness of the rich nor the hunger of the poor. 

A poem’s a thing that’s unmade 

Which together the poet and reader upgrade. 

I test the sincerity of the Christian. After walking an extra mile with me I ask him for his cloak. And friend Louie gives him a slap on his way home. 

From bacteria to creepy-crawlies on up to the beasts of the jungle, mankind has been nothing but one amendment after another. 

We feel sorry for the rich who pay hundreds of dollars for a series of minuscule bites at a three star restaurant. We’re not told how they go home and eat a pint of Hagen-Dazs before bed. 

1 comment:

Joe - Wednesday's Child said...

#6 Should have made the cut for today's Wannaskan Almanac.