Thursday, May 19, 2011

Squibs From the Township

The cookie of self-confidence
Contains this message:
"You may be wrong."

Why does no midwestern town proclaim:
"Where the East begins!"

The spendthrift blows like Old Faithful,
then his wad is gone.
The miser feels like a corpse,
oozing from a thousand wounds.

All I really do is choose.
Yes, the devil made me do it,
but I let him,
knee deep in ashes.

Anaysis, in dollars and cents,
tells exactly what it is,
while killing it.
Poetry hints,
by washing it in love
and eternal light.

The French are accused of arrogance,
but any people that masters such a malin*
lanuage deserves to pat itself on the back.
*malin=your typical French word, having six meanings.
It means: 'difficult' or 'tricky';
but it also means: 'shrewd' or 'clever'
Which they consider themselves;
or: 'malignant' or 'malicious'
As those who do not like them think.

If you can't be on time, be pretty.

Bread and Circuses: our circus is the scandal du jour or true crime we swallow; and no fear of that show closing. But I'm getting worried about the bread supply.

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